It's Vice President-Elect Joe Biden with a goofy smirk on his face. (Apologies for the bad picture, I took it with my phone off the TV). He seems pretty damn proud of Hughes. Maybe that's what Hughes has needed all along, the approval of a father figure. Why can't that father figure be Jumpin' Joe Biden?

Bickerstaff of Obama's staff and
Rahm-Bo can be Del Harris. I guess
you can be the Pete Myers, Joe."
**Side Note: Bulls won 105-100.
***UPDATE: [From reader Gavin] David Axelrod is a long-time Bulls season-ticket owner and if people remember correctly, his son attended a few games from time to time. On one notable occasion, he and Antonio Davis's wife got into an argument with Antonio (newly traded to the Knicks) wading into the crowd to separate the two of them. No one knew who Axelrod was at the time. [Nice find]
There's a Blagojevich joke here somewhere, but I'm too tired to find it.
axelrod had every right to get into it with davis' wife. a seat in the united center is a (bleep) valuable thing, you don't just give it away for nothing. the whole thing is reminiscent of aaron burr's duel with alexander hamilton.
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