Which one of these men are Bulls Coach Vinny Del Negro? Can't tell? Neither can I. I've also heard suggestions he is a Christian Bale lookalike as well. Personally, I couldn't tell the difference between VDN and John Cusack when I was at the Bulls game Friday night.
The point is that perhaps all the talk that Vinny Del Negro brings no star power to the Chicago Bulls head coaching position was a bit premature, don't you think?
I did pretty well by process of elimination.
He's the one in the middle that has had no success right?
if the bulls were half the heartwarming story that "serendipity" is, i'd be their biggest fan
luke wilson looks the most like him.
Not Sure.
I stand by my theory that he looks most like Cusack.
By the pictures posted here, I agree with Ethan.
Not again... I thought it was over after Gregory Itzin was caught masquerading as Jim Boyaln.
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