Chicago White Sox
- I don't want to be a dick about this, but the Sox completely shit the bed at the Metrodome this week. That is why the situation stands as it does and the Sox aren't preparing for the
playoffs right now.
- The White Sox blew a huge opportunity Friday after Minnesota lost by losing 11-8.
- Needless to say, Danks did not look like the kind of big game pitcher he would need to be for the Sox to have any success in the Playoffs. He gave up 7 runs in 4+ innings.
- Griffey did hit 2 home runs in the Minnesota series.
- The Twins lost today, leaving them in a statistical dead heat with the Sox.
- As I am writing this, Javy Vasquez has been chased from the game after getting hammered. The Sox are down 7-1 in the 6th inning to the Indians.
- If the Sox lose, which appears likely, they will be a half game behind the Twins. (**UPDATE: Sox lost)
- IF the Sox lose tonight and tomorrow and the Twins win tomorrow, the Sox are eliminated. any other combination of Sox win/loss and Twins win/loss will cause the Sox to have to play the makeup game with Detroit. They then may have to play the Twinkies in a one-game playoff.
- Good news: Quentin looks to be recovering nicely and still remains hopeful to play in October.

- The playoff rotation has been set: Dempster, Zambrano, Harden, Lilly (if necessary)
- Their opponent is still up in the air. With the Phillies win today they clinch the division. Milwaukee is now in a tie with the Mets.
- If Milwaukee wins the WC, the Cubs will play the Dodgers in the first round. If the Mets win the WC, the Cubs will play the Mets in the first round.
- Micah Hoffpauir has looked good AND bad (boneheaded base running). Will he make the playoff roster?
- Soto was not back in the lineup after a "minor" injury to his left hand.
- I almost forgot, the reason Milwaukee is in a tie is because the Cubs beat them. Cubs won 7-3 today, though they did lose 5-1 yesterday.
- In terms of who makes the 25-man playoff roster, rumor has it the Cubs will only carry 11 pitchers. A BCB fanpost has a decent list of who they think will make it. Pitching-wise I agree except that I think Marquis and Gaudin are not sure things and Marshall may make it. For bats, I agree and I would add Ward and Hoffpauir. (***UPDATE: The Trib is reporting Samardzija was named to the Cubs postseason roster while Gaudin was left off it)
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