Coach Ron Zook gives some Illini linemen his happy face during the 1st quarter of the Illini's loss to Western Michigan.

Last Week's Photo:

Best caption comes from Gavin: James Andrews, M.D. later noted that Grossman's spike mechanics place an enormous strain on his elbow tendon. Grossman's next towel throwing session: TBA.
Most inappropriate and inaccurate caption comes from Ari: Olsen to Tait, " Look at that fucking retard celebrate after scoring a TD against the pathetic 0-8Detroit Lions. I wonder how he would celebrates if he ever got some pussy."
Come on Ari! The Sex Cannon may throw a lot of INTs, but he definitely gets a ton of pussy. And he doesn't celebrate when he gets pussy, the woman celebrates because he just rocked her world.
zook tries to push one out
Illinois Coach Ron Zook tries to win a staring contest by making funny faces while his team gets beat by Western Michigan.
"I shit enthusiasm! In fact, I'm doing it right now!"
Player: Just show me.
Zook: crunches face together
Player: Yeah, your wife's right. That is a weird O-face.
I told you to pluck that god damn unibrow!
freshman ford falls foolishly fuck ford field. freshmanfordfallsfoolishlyfuckfordfield. FRESHMANFORFFALLSFOOLSIHLYFUCKFORDFIELD!!!!!!
That kid looks kinda uncomfortable, what with Zook polishing ol' "Chief Illiniwek" right in front of him.
(Note hand placement...come on!)
"No, you're doing it wrong. This is how it looks to shit away last season's momentum..."
"What do you mean you skipped your mandatory urine testing?!?! Listen here son, you take this cup and.... Fffffff - ill It!"
i'll tell YOU what i'd do for a klondike bar!
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