In honor of Jay Mariotti leaving, I want to post a story that happened to one of our commentors. I think it typifies how much he sucks and what an idiot he is:
I was working the door at a new bar here in Chicago about a month ago, and there was a line. i see jay marrioti stumbling down the street by himself, towards the bar. i ask myself, what is he gonna say to try to get in??? I enjoyed it when he simply stated, "I'm Jay Marrioti." I said, "I know. Step to the side, it will only be a few minutes." What a douche.
Hahaha. I wish that I was the doorman in this story. Either way, Jay Mariotti sucks. I will be welcoming stories all week long about how much of a shithead he is, or links to old ridiculous articles hes written. Good riddance.
honestly? i'm still undecided if i'm happier that mariotti is gone or sam smith is gone. I could not stand reading smith's stupid basketball articles about made-up trade scenarios that contribute nothing to the world of reporting. I think sam smith was underratedly terrible. He should get more credit as being one of the worst sports journalist in the greatest city in the world. Mariotti still sucks too.
Ok, here's the difference. Sam Smith was a goofy journalist, maybe a bad one. Jay Mariotti is going to hell. Sam Smith seems like the kind of guy I wouldn't mind chatting with over a beer. Jay Mariotti is the kind of guy I'd like to hit over the head with a beer.
love mariotti. hopes he purchases the internet and shuts this shitty blog down.
greatest news since the 85 Bears won the super bowl...the only downside is we will never have the much anticipated streetfight of Ozzie vs. Flamin Jay.
One time, Jay called someone I know to give them an update from the Cubs game the night before. It was, at the latest, 6 AM. He ruined this person's week.
Sam Smith gave us the Jordan Rules, Jay Mariotti gave us nothing but a douche he claimed to represent the city
That was me. Fuck you guys.
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