A lawsuit filed against the Chicago Archdiocese yesterday alleges that one of its priests
molested a boy at a White Sox game in August of 2005. The priest, Daniel McCormack, has racked up 23 abuse allegations against him according to records released last week. When asked about the high number of incidents, McCormack said, "I couldn't really find one I liked."

Okay, he didn't say that, but this is one sick father. It's a White Sox game; the least he could have done was stab someone. On a side note, I don't have any idea how the Sox found the favor with the Big Guy to beat a team called the Angels with this kind of thing going on in the stands.
on a totally unrelated note, stormin' norman's affinity for (matza) balls comes from sleepovers at his rabbi's.
On a completely unrelated note, move the cubs to nova scotia's dad was not only his dad, teacher, best friend, and therapist, but he also served as his priest and choir boy.
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