Some Cavs blog really doesn't like this "news" that Lebron might bolt to Europe. That headline is pretty hilarious though. I don't see why Lebron to Chicago isn't discussed more, anyways? We will have similar cap room to teams like New York and New Jersey. We might have more and we definitely have a shot to be in a better position to win at that time. If I'm Lebron and I havent won a 'ship by 2010, I'm going to go to the place that offers me the most money and the best chance to win. Why can't Chicago be that team? And on top of that we are a huge market, one of the big three in fact (Chicago, NY, LA). If "a person" can start a buzz about Lebron going to Europe, why can't we start a buzz about him coming here? I'm starting it right now. Let's make it happen.
3 reasons LBJ is going to New Jersey:
1) Jay-Z
2) Huge (NYC) market
3) The Jersey fist-pump
Get Lebron out of the Central Division. Please.
But seriously, no one talks anymore that Chicago would be a possible destination. Is the whole NY/NJ talk based solely on the dollars, or has Lebron actually said that he wants to play there? I'm definitely not sold that he is automatically going there. He can make a boatload of money playing in any of the big three cities. Plus, Chicago has hot chicks (in the summer).
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