In a recent interview with Slam, BG talks about a bunch of charity bullshit, but about halfway through he starts talking about where he wants to play,
SLAM: So is your top choice to end up back in Chicago?
BG: Yeah. I mean, no other teams are under the cap, so I’d have to work out a sign-and-trade. And, with a sign-and-trade, both sides have to agree to it. So I’m still keeping everything open.
So....I guess he really wants to be in Chicago because there's no way he can end up anywhere else? Doesn't sound like he's too enthusiastic, though I might not be either if I were him.
All Gordon cares about is the coin. I was waiting in line at a McDonalds drive thru late night and there comes Gordon and his posse and no joke, the guy is ranting about how he isn't being paid enough I say get this guy out of town. Don't get me wrong, Gordon has the occasional good game. However, he's not worth the salary the Bulls would have to pay to keep him.
I definitely believe that happened. Gordon seems like a Douche. I think the guy is worth 8-9 mil a year, but thats the max in my mind. Who knows if he will even start, and he doesn't play D. My only fear is Rose won't have any good shooters to kick it out to if BG leaves.
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